Another booster shot for Indian startups

Another booster shot for Indian startups

Recently, the Indian government has been facing a lot of flak over the sorry state of affairs ruining the startup ecosystem in India. To rejuvenate the sector and provide a new moment, the central government has decided to confer various incentives to the start-up...
Disqualified directors mandated to ensure compliance

Disqualified directors mandated to ensure compliance

If you think being disqualified to act a director in Indian companies for non-compliances absolves you for good, think again! As part of the cleansing operation of the corporate sector, the central government had de-registered lakhs of companies from the Registrar of...
No more agents chasing you for loans?

No more agents chasing you for loans?

You’d be getting a lot of calls by people representing themselves to be from a bank and offering you a loan, credit card and the like. You are never too sure whether they are genuine or fake. There have been instances of such callers milking the details obtained from...